Snacks are definitely in my backpack!

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This must be my favourite blog as it all about snacks. I always carry snacks in my handbag, I have a few in the car and obviously I have a few hidden treasures in the house. [wc_fa icon=”smile-o” margin_left=”” margin_right=””][/wc_fa]

I am not talking Kits Kats and Skittles here. I am talking about a slightly healthier bars made of raw fruit or with some extra protein to give me much needed boost when the two o’clock slump kicks in or if I need something light before the workout. They are obviously  nutritiously better than Mars bars as they are made of dry fruit and nuts and are cleaner with more natural ingredients. However, the sugar content from fruit will still be high in these. Anyway, I don’t snack on these every day as I am sticking to the old saying everything in moderation. 

My Trek “Snack Drawer”

However, this motto will be all forgotten when I set off on my Great Wall of China trek. I am guessing there won’t be convenience shops on route so being prepared to fuel the body on this muscle exhausting trek will be essential. We will be getting three meals a day but I am not sure if snacks will be provided. If not, that’s completely fine with me as I have already prepared my little snack selection. And there is plenty to choose from…

Snacks- Protein bars

Bounce energy balls are a must for me. My  favourite at the moment is the coconut and lemon ball which tastes like a slice of a lemon drizzle cake. The cacao mint is also very good. Nutrition wise, these have roughly around 10g of protein in them so great after a workout or a long walk. I will definitely be packing a few balls in my bag. Another permanent fixtures in my selection are Meridian peanut butter bars. In my opinion, Meridian’s peanut butter is the best one out there and yes, I own a 1kg tub of it.  The bars are not too sweet, have a nice taste and are quite filling. Just a few bags of dried mango and some brazil nuts in my snack bag and I am ready.

Emergency Brekkie

My Porridge

My colleagues know that porridge is my      “go to” breakfast. Whether it is summer or winter I love a bowl of hot porridge oats made with coconut milk with lots of blueberries, raspberries and with a spoonful of peanut butter on top. Well, not sure this will be my breakfast in China… Looking at the hotels we will be staying in there is an option of a Chinese breakfast (not a clue!) or a Western one. To be honest, I am not a picky eater and I am happy to try and eat most foods but because I consider breakfast as my most important meal of the day, I will be packing some Quaker porridge sachets just in case and some squeezy Pip and Nut  peanut butter … Let’s just hope there is a microwave available…

Pip & Nut butter

I am sure I would survive the trek even without all these but it is nice to have something in the bag that you like and that can be eaten either as afternoon pick me up snack or I can just treat it as pure indulgence. I obviously prefer the latter option… [wc_fa icon=”smile-o” margin_left=”” margin_right=””][/wc_fa]